Anime Reborn 2.0 Update: How to Get and Use Red Tickets

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Anime Reborn 2.0 Update: How to Get and Use Red Tickets

Message#1 » mar. 26 nov. 2024 07:33

The latest Dragon Ball Z-themed update for Anime Reborn introduces Red Tickets, a new currency that can be earned through event-specific content and exchanged for exclusive rewards.

How to Get Red Tickets
Red Tickets are primarily earned by participating in the Beast Event. Follow these steps to start earning:

Go to the Adventure Area: Access it via the right side of the main hub or by clicking the Areas button.
Talk to Pikkora: Find this NPC near the entrance, who will explain the event and highlight the exclusive Gohun Unit.
Complete Adventure Stages: Enter one of the four stages in the Adventure area and play solo or co-op. Each completion rewards:
1,000 Red Tickets
80 Gold
30 Gems
A 1.5% chance to obtain the Secret Gohun Unit

For efficient farming, the West City Stage is recommended due to its simplicity and quick completion time.

Alternatively, Red Tickets can be purchased in the Event Shop using Robux:

800 Tickets for 139 Robux
4,000 Tickets for 449 Robux
15,000 Tickets for 1,349 Robux

How to Use Red Tickets
Red Tickets can be spent by speaking to Pikkora or interacting with the Beast of Resolve: Gohun board in the Adventure area. Here, you’ll find various event rewards:

Dragon Capsules (250 Red Tickets each): Use these to obtain DBZ-themed units.
Upgrade materials for evolving your units.

Since each stage rewards 1,000 Red Tickets, you can earn four Dragon Capsules per run, making it the best way to strengthen your roster.

Dive into the update now and collect as many Red Tickets as possible to claim these exclusive DBZ-themed rewards!

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